1DGDP1428RM066659 S1089 -
Price: $14,995

VIN 1DGDP1428RM066659
Mileage -
Engine -
Drive Train -
Stock Number S1089
Transmission -
Trim -
Doors -
Exterior Color DESERT TAN
Interior Color -
Body Type -
Fuel Type -

82 x 14 14,000 Lb Master Dump
Scissor Lift
Radial Tires
LED Lighting
Wireless Remote
Self Store Ramps
3 Way Spreader Gate
16" O.C. Crossmembers
GVWR- 14,000
Ship Weight- 4,192
Rim Size- 16
Body Style- Dump
Price: $14,995


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VIN 1DGDP1428RM066659
Mileage -
Engine -
Drive Train -
Stock Number S1089
Transmission -
Trim -
Doors -
Exterior Color DESERT TAN
Interior Color -
Body Type -
Fuel Type -

82 x 14 14,000 Lb Master Dump
Scissor Lift
Radial Tires
LED Lighting
Wireless Remote
Self Store Ramps
3 Way Spreader Gate
16" O.C. Crossmembers
GVWR- 14,000
Ship Weight- 4,192
Rim Size- 16
Body Style- Dump